Download Ebook Biography of Che Guevara - Richard L. Harris

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    Author : Richard L. Harris
    Publish : 2010
    Format : PDF
    Language : English
    Review : Che Guevara is one of the most controversial and iconic figures in recent memory and is still a hero to many. "Che Guevara: A Biography" provides a balanced and engaging introduction to the famous revolutionary leader. Based on original research, the biography reveals how Che's early life prepared him for leadership in the Cuban Revolution. It also explores his revolutionary activities in Africa and Bolivia, as well as the circumstances surrounding his tragic death on October 9, 1967.

    More than just a record of events, the book cogently examines Che's contributions to the theory and tactics of guerrilla warfare, his ideas about imperialism and socialism, and his enduring political legacy. It includes original information on the 1997 discovery of the hidden remains of his body and on the celebration of his life and ideals by the socialist regime in Cuba. And it looks at the reasons why leftist political leaders, movements, and governments in Latin America and the Caribbean still pay homage to this charismatic man.

    This concise biography of the world famous revolutionary Che Guevara provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive account available of his remarkable life, tragic death, and enduring political legacy.

    • A map of Che Guevara's revolutionary operations

    • Photographs

    • An up-to-date annotated bibliography of the major print and electronic sources of information on Che Guevara

    • A timeline of key events

    Click icon "download" to download file Ebook Biography of Che Guevara - Richard L. Harris

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