Author : William Stallings
Publish : 2009
Format : PDF
Language : English
Review : Four-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance provides a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture, covering not just processor design, but memory, I/O, and parallel systems. Coverage is supported by a wealth of concrete examples emphasizing modern RISC, CISC, and superscalar systems. Undergraduates and professionals in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering courses will learn the fundamentals of processor and computer design from this award-winning text.
Stallings provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of the organization and architecture of modern-day computers, emphasizing both fundamental principles and the critical role of performance in driving computer design. The text conveys concepts through a wealth of concrete examples highlighting modern CISC and RISC systems. The Fourth Edition captures recent innovations and improvements, while maintaining a broad, all-inclusive perspective of the entire field.
* Use of numerous running examples, especially Pentium
* Unified instructional approach enables reader to evaluate instruction set design issues
* Expanded superscalar presentation to include the new examples of UltraSparc II and the MIPS R100000
* Detailed treatment of bus organization enables reader to better evaluate key design issues
* Detailed chapter coverage on RISC
* Extensive treatment of understanding of I/O functions and structures
The COMPANION WEBSITE for the book provides support for students, instructors and professionals
* Links to important up-to-date site related text materials.
* Provides transparency masters of figures from the book in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.
* Lists a set of course notes in PDF for handouts.
* Includes a set of PowerPoint slides for lecturing.
The eighth revision has been updated to reflect major advances in computer technology, including multicore processors and embedded processors. Interactive simulations have been expanded and keyed into relevant sections of text.
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